The images, photographs, graphic designs, .jpg, .gif, .tiff images found here on and the nft images found on are protected under copyright laws of the United States of America, all rights reserved. If you are interested in using any of these images for your commercial website, blog, magazine, book, newspaper, or other periodical, please review the below commercial licensing groups. Please choose the appropriate grouping and contact me via the below form prior to purchasing. We can discuss your needs and intent of use for the image(s), agree on rate, sign contract and licensing agreement.
Link to agreed upon image file(s) will be sent via email once payment has cleared.
Group A– One time use license grants the non-exclusive use of the image only once, not multiple times, for the purpose specifically outlined in the licensing agreement. Client cannot further resell images nor use in any other than agreed upon single use. This usage agreement is limited to a single printing or single use on a website, and is specifically not a license to print this image in numerous copies of a Periodical, Magazine, Newspaper, book or similar.
Group B– Periodical, Magazine, Newspaper, book or similar non-exclusive licensing. I retain the right to sell images to more than one person or entity. Client cannot further resell images nor use in any other than a single printing run of less than 100,000 copies.
Group C– Periodical, Magazine, Newspaper, book or similar non-exclusive licensing. I retain the right to sell images to more than one person or entity. Client cannot further resell images nor use in any other than a single printing run of less than 500,000 copies.
Group D– Periodical, Magazine, Newspaper, book or similar non-exclusive licensing. I retain the right to sell images to more than one person or entity. Client cannot further resell images nor use in any other than a single printing run of less than 1,00,000 copies.
Group C– Exclusive licensing. Periodical, Magazine, Newspaper, book or similar exclusive licensing. Client cannot further resell images nor use in any other than stated in the licensing agreement
Group E- Exclusive licensing. Client receives all rights to images. Client can further resell images and use at their disposal as not to tarnish or degrade the reputation, work and ethics of David M Schibel.